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Become a Sponsor

Christmastime In Texas Sponsorship

A 4’ x 4’ lighted metal billboard along the drive-through section of the park and 3 tickets that you can use or give away.

All sponsors must be approved prior to payment. If you’d like to become a sponsor, please email us at [email protected] and provide information about your organization. Once approved, you can visit the website and pay using the button below.

Become A Sponsor

A building with lights on it's roof


If you decide to become a proud sponsor of Christmastime in Texas you can pay on the website by clicking the button below. You will need to provide the artwork for the billboard which our professional designers will incorporate onto the billboard.

Become A Sponsor

A neon sign that says wanted reward and cattle rustler.

We Appreciate Our Sponsors!

Thank you to all of the past sponsors of Christmastime in Texas, and we look forward to adding new ones! Whether you’re a local business or a national brand, this is an incredible opportunity to showcase your commitment to the community and share in the spirit of giving. Join us as a sponsor and illuminate the way to a truly magical holiday celebration this year!

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